Explore the Extraordinary  >>

2024 Workshops

Workshops are offered in-person only.

They are priced separately from the conference registration.

They are NOT recorded and are NOT a part of the video on demand (VOD) collection.


Reiki Level I Certificate-Provided Training: Discover Your Natural Healing Energy and Enhance After-Death Communication ($125 memb./$150 non-memb.)

Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA

9:00 am
4:30 pm
Rm 3 - Deer
Rebecca has been using Reiki for 28 years. She has taught thousands of medical professionals and all others the joys of Reiki healing. Reiki can be learned on one day. Participants will experience one-to-one healing sessions as they receive and share Reiki with multiple partners and will learn to give Reiki to themself, family, friends, clients, colleagues, animals, and even plants. Reiki’s unconditional LOVE facilitates communication with those living in the afterlife. Reiki has been taught at every in-person American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference since 2015. Becky is thrilled to provide Reiki training at IANDS’s Annual Conference for the fourth time. Participants are invited to access their self-healing abilities at this highly effective experiential workshop.

Rebecca Austill-Clausen >> Rebecca is an occupational therapist, Fellow of the American OT Association, and Reiki Master. She teaches Reiki at national conferences and universities, along with teaching after-death communication both in-person and online. Becky had a profound spiritual transformative experience (STE) and shared death experience (SDE) when she discovered the ability to communicate with her deceased brother even though she initially had no psychic or spiritual awareness. She has initiated five private practices including one that grew to a staff of 350 therapists. Becky is the Healing Coordinator at IANDS conferences and is honored to serve on the Ethics Committee. Her award-winning book Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life will be available at the IANDS bookstore.

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Making the Connection with Higher Consciousness ($80)

Suzanne Giesemann, MPA

1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Rm 2 - Kave Ballroom
Evidence-based mediumship reveals that you don’t have to die to experience the same greater reality as those who have had near-death experiences (NDEs). There is a better way! It is called The Awakened Way®. Join Suzanne as she explains why anyone can connect with loved ones and higher beings in the non-physical realms and can gain the same powerful benefits that have transformed so many experiencers. This fast-paced workshop will include proven tools for living a consciously connected and divinely guided life.

Suzanne Giesemann >> Suzanne is a metaphysical teacher, author, and Messenger of Hope, recognized on the Watkins’ list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. She is a former U.S. Navy Commander who served as a commanding officer and as aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Today, she guides people to the awareness of a greater reality. She has published 14 books, 6 Hemi-Sync recordings, and YouTube videos with over nine million views. She produces the Awakened Way app and hosts the popular Messages of Hope podcast. Her gift of multidimensional communication has been verified by noted afterlife researchers, and her messages bring not only hope but also healing and love that go straight to the heart.

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Anita Moorjani

Near-Death Experience, A Guided Journey with Anita Moorjani ($80)

Anita Moorjani

4:00 pm
6:00 pm
Rm 2 - Kave Ballroom
In this workshop, Anita leads a transformative expedition into the realm of the other side. Participants are invited to connect with their higher self, guides, and deceased loved ones as they are comforted, inspired to reevaluate life’s priorities, and offered a deeper understanding of life, death, and the interconnectedness of all beings. Anita will conclude this journey with tips for integration and a Q&A.

Anita Moorjani >> Anita is a renowned author and spiritual speaker known for her transformative journey beyond the brink of death. While living in Hong Kong, Anita battled end-stage cancer before experiencing a remarkable near-death experience (NDE) that shifted her perspective on life. Her bestselling memoir, Dying to Be Me, chronicles her profound journey and miraculous healing. Its popularity established her as a premier NDE expert. A beacon of inspiration, Anita travels the world sharing her insights on self-love, consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all things. Her teachings empower others to embody the highest version of themselves and live vibrant, authentic lives. Anita continues to be a guiding light in the realm of spiritual exploration.

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The Sacred Hoop ($40)

Tonda Nampaio-Cardenas and Rebecca Kastl, MS CCC-SLP, RMT

7:00 pm
9:00 pm
Rm 1 - Akimel Ballroom
Join us Thursday night! Bring your joyful curiosity, no art experience needed. Learn about indigenous spiritual traditions and explore your natural intuitive creativity. You will discover ways to add the beauty of indigenous teachings to your daily walk as we acknowledge patterns of near-death or spiritually transformative experiences, and related experiences. By connecting to teachings and patterns within the sacred hoop, you’ll create your own mini art piece to honor your NDE, STE and more.

Tonda Nampaio-Cardenas >> Tonda is a childhood trauma survivor, resulting in her near-death experience at age nine. Nature became her barometer to measure and make sense of the world, oftentimes bringing her solace and joy as a child running wild through the forests. As an adult, Tonda would find her mother and realize both her indigenous heritage and her natural abilities. As a medicine person, and honoring her visions and out-of-body experiences (OBEs), she continued to learn with elders in the local indigenous communities, while raising her family and stationed within the military. By being present and holding space for NDErs, military veterans, first responders, non-profits, and under-served women, all within the undercurrent of trauma survivor, Tonda would have a vision that would change her course and life ethos. She created the Red Earth Warrior Walks program, nature adventures with purpose for healing trauma and for finding a reconnection between Spirit and Self.

Rebecca Kastl >> Rebecca Kastl is a pediatric speech-language pathologist, energy healer, and angel interpreter who underwent a life-changing Spiritually Transformative Experience in her twenties while working on healing from childhood trauma. In her experience, she saw a beautiful light that spoke to her, after which she began having psychic dreams, feeling angels around her, seeing alternate timelines of her life, and understanding how connected we all are. Her stepdad, an Indigenous Houma and Choctaw man from a medicine tradition, helped and guided her a lot during and after her experience, including teaching her how to honor the four directions, trust her dreams, and believe in her visions.


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Nancy Rynes

Shifts Through Time: Practical Time Travel ($40)

Nancy Rynes, BSc

6:30 pm
8:30 pm
Rm 2 - Kave Ballroom
For people who have ever wondered about the possibility of living other lives and who want to try out a very light level of regression before committing to an in-depth session, this workshop is designed for participants to have a little bit of fun together as a group and dive into some practical time travel experiences while exploring the possibilities of living multiple lives. Nancy, a Level 2 Certified QHHT Past Life Regressionist, will lead everyone on a quick trip through time with a group regression. Each participant will have their own experience of another life as Nancy helps them achieve a light trance to explore both the past and the future in a safe and fun setting. Participants should bring a notebook and pen to jot down notes, and perhaps even a blanket to stay warm and cozy.

Nancy Rynes is a geoscientist, archaeologist, artist, and explorer of all things weird and wonderful. As a near-death experiencer, remote viewer, QHHT regressionist, and energy worker, Nancy seeks to combine her innate curiosity about the nature of reality with a sense of discernment and groundedness learned as a geoscientist. She strives to make both scientific and “paranormal” topics easier to understand for everyone, Nancy has been featured on NBC TV’s The TODAY Show, PBS Television, and the Netflix series Surviving Death. She is a popular keynote speaker and workshop leader and has appeared on many podcasts and radio shows.

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Ellen Wier

A Glimpse of Heaven With Crystal Bowls and Musical Imagery ($40)

Ellen Wier, MA, MT-BC

6:30 pm
8:30 pm
Rm 3 - Deer
“A Glimpse of Heaven with Crystal Bowls & Musical Imagery” is not just a workshop; it is a testament to the healing power of music, born from divine wisdom shown to me during my near-death experience and mystical events in my life. Designed to deepen our connection to the higher self, this process engages participants with the healing frequencies of crystal singing bowls and vocal toning to align the body’s energy centers, as participants immerse themselves in guided music imagery. They will work with theta brainwave states and altered states of consciousness, allowing for a journey into deep meditative states and spiritual awareness. This unique combination not only supports personal healing but also fosters a connection with the collective consciousness, leveraging a powerful shared vibration for communal enlightenment and growth.

Ellen Wier (Formerly Whealton)  >> Ellen is a near-death experiencer, light worker, transpersonal and music therapist, healer, workshop presenter, and educator who uses numerous modalities such as music, crystal singing bowls, chanting, visualization, and meditation in her practice. She experienced an NDE at age 12 after being kicked in the head by a horse. During that time she vowed to come back to heal people with music, after which she experienced tremendously impactful spiritual downloads before being drawn back to her body by music. Ellen has hosted a spiritual series on the AwakeTV network, and her work was highlighted by Jack Canfield, New York Times bestselling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books.

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Kimberly Braun

Live a Life of Miracles ($40)

Rev. Kimberly Braun, MA, CSP

5:15 pm
7:15 pm
Rm 3 - Deer
Each person is a living expression of the Divine whose life is meant to be an awakening to oneself as Love Incarnate and to the continuous satisfaction of being the flow of the Divine and an agency of the miraculous. Kimberly Braun, who discovered this liberating wisdom through her NDE and mystical experiences, offers this experiential workshop that will provide the inspiration, inquiry, and exercises for participants to touch their very center and understand how to live from this place more consistently in every moment of their life. The Divine Love of one’s being is pulsing to dissolve all fear, but how does this happen and what does it mean to be part of this process, to surrender all that limits one from this awakening, and to step in with great freedom and great intimacy? Kimberly invites participants to come play and discover new answers to these eternal questions.

Kimberly Braun >> Kimberly, impelled from her earliest childhood experiences and her NDE at the age of 19, spent over a decade as a Carmelite monastic nun exploring the path of Presence and then obtained her master’s degree in theology and formal ordination. Having explored the many facets of self-realization and the essence of Being, she lives to inspire others to connect to, and live from, Divine Love at their center with great freedom and joy. Kimberly is a TEDx speaker, Reiki Master, international speaker and retreat leader, and former meditation faculty at the renowned Omega Institute. She has served tens of thousands of people through her writing, speaking, retreats, online courses, and community. Her latest books are Miracles in the Naked Light and Beloved Found, Poems from the Source.

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2023 Day 1 - Thursday - workshops

2023 Day 2 - Friday - workshops

2023 Day 3 - Saturday - workshops

2023 - Day 4 - Sunday - workshops