One-Day, In-Person Training, Certificate Provided
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
10:00 am — 5:30 pm MDT
Reiki is a safe, non-intrusive form of energy healing that reduces tension, anxiety, and grief, while creating a sense of well-being. Universal energy used during Reiki assists each person to heal themselves and others. During this Reiki Level 1 certification training class, participants become attuned to their own healing energy. Self-awareness grows while physical and emotional pain recedes.
Reiki also enhances after-death communication. Near-Death Experiencers (NDErs) often share experiences with spiritual entities and deceased loved ones when describing their journey. Reiki, a biofield energy modality expands our vibrational energy, facilitating increased receptivity to messages from beyond the veil. Replicating the connectedness and oneness felt by NDErs and Spiritually Transformative Experiencers (STErs) can provide enlightenment and illumination while simultaneously reducing the stress, anxiety, and emotional discomfort that is often an aftereffect of NDEs.
NDErs and STErs often feel great love when visiting the afterlife. Reiki provides a loving
entrance into the oneness commonly experienced in the afterlife without going through
the pain of dying. During this training, multiple opportunities to receive and send Reiki
1:1 with three different partners occur. At the completion of this one-day program,
attendees can provide healing Reiki to themselves and others.
This is a great refresher course for anyone who has received Reiki certification in the past. We are not recording this certificate provided program since multiple experiential components are included. If you are unable to attend after registering, you are welcome to join any of Rebecca’s Reiki Level I certificate provided online classes at no additional charge.
Reiki Level I is approved for 6.0 contact hours by the National Board for Certification of
Occupational Therapy. This training is appropriate for all medical practitioners and
anyone interested in expanding healing for themselves and others.
95% of Rebecca’s Reiki attendees confirm Excellent/Very Good training effectiveness.
Come deepen your healing energy while experiencing Timeless Oneness with Reiki!
MS, OTR/L, FAOTA, Reiki Master, After-Death Communication Teacher, Occupational Therapist, & award winning Author
Rebecca has been using Reiki for over 26 years. She has taught thousands of medical professionals and all others the joys of Reiki healing. Rebecca is the first person to teach Reiki, A Natural Healing Modality at each in-person American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference since 2015. She enjoys training medical professionals and all others on how to access their self-healing abilities. At the same time, attendees learn to teach clients, families, and friends these skills experienced in highly effective one-day workshops provided in-person or online.
Reiki’s “unconditional LOVE” is shared during empowering Reiki training certification classes. Rebecca is featured throughout the film Life to Afterlife “The Healers,” produced by Craig McMahon and released May 28, 2020.
Becky has had multiple shared death experiences (SDE’s) and spiritual transformative experiences (STE’s). She kept these occurrences quiet for 20 years while growing her large rehabilitation private practice.
Becky finally gained the courage to share her journey in the award-winning book Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life.
Reiki training participants will accomplish the following during the one-day training event:
Regular value is $225 l IANDS members: $114 l Non-members: $139
Please note: The majority of the proceeds will be donated to IANDS.
Become a member and support our work today!
Become a member and support our work today!
IANDS is the original organization dedicated to supporting experiencers, educating interested people, and researching the near-death and related spiritual experiences.
IANDS is the original organization dedicated to supporting experiencers, educating interested people, and researching the near-death and related spiritual experiences.