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Conference FAQs

Our annual in-person conference is usually held from Wednesday just before the Labor Day holiday through Sunday. We do our best to publish the location and dates more than a year in advance. This year it will be from August 28 – September 1, 2024.

Registration opens Ma 15th. The “early bird” discount (~20% off) applies until July 1st. The “hurry up” discount (~12% off) applies until August 6th. Full-price tickets can be purchased any time after that including at the conference unless we sell out.

The price of Registration is reviewed each year to ensure it is a good value and is consistent with similar conferences.

You can reserve a room now at: https://book.passkey.com/event/50578534/owner/24587/landing
.The hotel reservation period usually opens sometime in January, nine months before the conference. IANDS negotiates special discounted rates for a limited number of rooms. We recommend reserving early to ensure you get the best room rates.

Yes, it’s perfectly OK to sign up for a workshop or get a healing session ticket without attending any of the conference sessions. You may also visit the Bookstore & Vendor Area, Art Displays, Posters, and Virtual Reality Exhibits.

Each year starting sometime in January, we put out a call for speakers. The speaker application is published and anyone can apply. The application period typically closes in late February then the selection committee does its work. Acceptance letters go out in late March or early April. The schedule usually comes together by May when registration opens.

The 2024 Speaker Application information and form can be found here: https://conference.iands.org/2024-conf-proposal-info/

If you have a question about the speaker application process you can fill out the speaker support request form here: https://conference.iands.org/2024-conf-proposal-support-request/

Yes, absolutely! We rely on volunteers for a variety of roles like room monitors, and bookstore assistance. Each year dozens of helpful folks assist us with the conference. Usually they are mostly locals from the area of the conference, but we get plenty of out-of-town volunteers too. Volunteers are compensated with discounted registration fees in proportion to their volunteer time. It is possible to volunteer for the whole conference.  Go to the Volunteer Tab to find the application.

Yes. In addition to our annual in-person conference, we also have an annual online Spring Symposium that is typically scheduled for sometime in late winter or early spring. You can find more at https://symposium.iands.org/.

In addition, IANDS hosts regular sharing groups, theme sharing groups, and other weekly events. You can learn more about these groups and events at https://isgo.iands.org/.

Yes! Each year, we offer an online attendance option via a streaming service like Zoom. The Live Stream viewing is available at registration. In addition, each regular session is recorded and available on our Video on Demand (VOD) page until mid-March. The VOD option is included free for all regular full-conference attendees. This is very helpful when you want to see everything, but can’t be in three places at once! You can learn more about the VOD option after the conference.

We start with pre-conference workshops on Wednesday. The regular conference sessions start at 8 am on Thursday, and goes through Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 4:30 pm after the closing ceremony. We start with a keynote speaker each day followed by sessions in the 3 main rooms. In the evening we have various activities like a film screening, a dance party, and a fundraising banquet. Each day starts and ends with a music or meditation session for those who are interested. You can get a sense of this by viewing our early overview schedule here.

If you have a general question that isn’t answered on this page, you can fill out the contact form here: https://conference.iands.org/contact-us-2023/.

If you have a question about the speaker application process you can fill out the speaker support request form here: https://conference.iands.org/2024-conf-proposal-support-request/